Surprise Lake Camp

B’nai Mitzvahs at Camp

Becoming a Bar or Bat Mitzvah is a unique milestone for every individual. At SLC, we cherish the diversity within our community, recognizing that each person’s journey to this special day is as distinct as they are. While no two B’nai Mitzvah celebrations are alike, they all share a common outcome: a strengthened community inspired by individuals ready to embrace greater responsibility for positive change.

SLC camper Josh during his 2024 service.

For nearly 35 years, Surprise Lake Camp has celebrated the milestone of B-Mitzvahs with our campers and staff. Recognizing that many of our families do not have a regular affiliation with a synagogue, we established this tradition to provide a meaningful Jewish experience to our community. Our dedicated Jewish Learning team guides each participant through their Torah portion and blessings. A service highlight is the D’var Torah, where personal insights are shared, inspiring the entire SLC community.

SLC celebrated three 4 B-Mitzvahs during the summer of 2024, marking a special tradition for longtime campers.

Kinley, who turned 13 in July, is one such camper. Following in the footsteps of her older siblings, she always dreamed of celebrating her Bat Mitzvah at camp. While she’ll host a party for family and friends in the fall, Kinley also embarked on a personal journey of Jewish learning. Due to a hiatus from Hebrew School during the pandemic, she felt unfamiliar with the language. However, with dedicated guidance from SLC’s Jewish educator, David, she mastered the haftorah and delved into her parshah, which fittingly explores respect for animals—a perfect match for the pet-loving Kinley.

Kinley studying her haftorah with David, SLC’s Jewish Educator.

Best friends Sloane and Maddy shared the special occasion together this summer. They prepared for the big day with half a dozen semi-private lessons with SLC’s Jewish educator over several weeks. While a bit nervous, they both enjoyed the process and felt supported by the camp community. Sloane shared, “Many of my friends at camp were incredibly supportive and helped me with the Hebrew.” Maddy described the service as, “special because I got to share it with Sloane. It felt more like a fun gathering than a typical service. People definitely weren’t bored.” Both families joined them for the service, followed by a celebratory oneg.

B-Mitzvahs include the following elements:

  • Scheduled Torah Study: Our dedicated Jewish Learning team guides campers through all elements. Campers do not need any advance knowledge.
  • D’var Torah: Campers share personal insights, bridging ancient wisdom with modern camp life.
  • Celebratory Oneg: A special gathering for family and friends to honor the camper’s achievement.

Campers at Surprise Lake hail from diverse backgrounds and corners of the globe. We cherish the opportunity to celebrate the strength of our community each Shabbat. These gatherings inspire us to embrace leadership and recognize the power each individual holds to create a better world.

Is your camper interested in marking this milestone at camp? Please let us know and we will make it a reality!

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