Stocks & Securities
Donating stock is easy and can come with financial or tax advantages, as well as allow you to make a gift with a larger impact, at lower cost to you. Please consult your financial planner or tax advisor to learn how these advantages may apply to your circumstances.
Step 1:
Direct your broker to transfer the stock electronically to:
DTC #0226
Receiving DTC Brokerage Firm: Fidelity Investments
Account Name: Surprise Lake Camp
Account Number: Z49928500
Step 2:
Let us know!
So we can confirm the transfer and provide you with an appropriate donation receipt, please notify usof your gift by contacting SLC Development Office at [email protected] or 845-265-3616.
Please include:
- Name of securities
- Number of shares you are transferring
- Brokerage house / accounting firm and contact name
- Your name, phone number and e-mail address