Refer a Friend

I would definitely recommend this camp to anyone, hands down!

– SLC Camper

Refer a Friend

Join I.R.A.F., the group of campers who proudly say, “I Referred a Friend!”

Surprise Lake Camp is always glad to get to know your friends and neighbors who might also like to join the SLC family. Tell a friend about SLC and its  first-time camper opportunities like Rookie Day, Get Your Feet Wet, and Mini-Camp. Your camper will love the special treats!

Here’s how:

  1. Share your love of SLC with everyone you know.
  2. When a friend registers for camp, make sure they mention your name—or use the referral form to tell us yourself!
  3. When this friend attends, your camper will get a super-duper I.R.A.F. sweatshirt at an all-camp event. Like SLC’s 5-Year Camper Sweatshirt, this special shirt cannot be bought…it can only be earned!
  4. The fun continues forever. During every summer your camper continues at SLC, they will receive a special I.R.A.F. package to express SLC’s continued thanks.