We provide a high quality Jewish experience for children and young adults that is safe, fun, and promotes personal growth.
– The SLC Mission
Board Leadership
**Knowledgeable. Experienced. Forward-thinking. Dedicated.
The Board of Directors of Surprise Lake Camp — a nonprofit, 501(c)3 organization — is responsible for the long-term fiscal health of the organization, for its strategic planning and policies, and for ensuring that its legacy is strong and vibrant.
We are fortunate to benefit from this Board’s deep expertise in many fields and passionate commitment to the mission, values, and community of this camp. Members include alumni and parents — a mix of business and community leaders — each one integral to, invested in, and actively involved with the success of SLC in achieving its mission. We are grateful that they are all so generous with their time, insight, and support for the work of SLC’s professional leadership.
Charles Jainchill, President
Michael Zbar, Immediate Past President
Matthew Grosshandler, Vice President
Mark Levine, Vice President
Eve Rubinstein, Vice President
Cindy Shmerler, Vice President
Gayle (Hoffman) Doyle, Treasurer
Jordana Zbar, Assistant Treasurer
Blair Klaff, Secretary
Board Members
Robert Altabet
Margery Arsham*
Peter Baum
Joseph Goldberg
Dayle Henshel
Joy Henshel*
Patti Henshel
Peter Hirsch*
Alan Hoffman
Stanley Josephson
Alan Kleiman
Linda Markowitz*
James Meyer
Jerry Meyer
Laurence H. Rubinstein*
Eliot Senor
Seth Stein
Bret Tenenhaus
Honorary Board Members
Jordan Dale, Special Advisor
Moe Bordwin
Michael Herson
Ruth Messinger*
* Past President
Click here to view SLC’s 2022 Form 990