SLC is a cherished institution that deserves to be preserved for future generations.
SLC Alumna
Why Donate?
When you make a philanthropic gift to Surprise Lake Camp, you give children life-changing experiences. You partner with us to provide campers confidence, growth, friendships, and Jewish identity. You strengthen camp programs and enhance camp facilities. And you become part of more than a century’s commitment to tuition assistance. Financial support from people who deeply value SLC is critical to our long-term well being. People like YOU!
Double Your Impact!
Many companies support causes that are important to their employees–and sometimes even their retirees. Corporate matching gift programs typically double the donation, at the very least! We will gladly help in the process of any matching gift program your company offers.
Annual Campaign
Symbolically sponsor a child and give the gift of camp! Whether you sponsor a whole summer or a whole day, your dollars make a whole lifetime of memories!
Capital Campaign
A donation to the capital drive ensures that all the grounds, cabins, and program spaces in which summer camp memories are made will continue to be bright, safe, and well-maintained for many years to come!
Looking for other ways to donate?
Tribute Gifts
Celebrate a counselor, relative, friend, or colleague. Recognize an accomplishment or a milestone. Express your appreciation. When you make a donation to the Surprise Lake Camp Tribute Fund, you can dedicate your gift in honor or memory of someone. Tribute gifts prompt a personal letter of acknowledgment in addition to a letter to your honoree!
Endowment Giving
1902 Legacy Society
CHAl8 Monthly Giving
With a minimum tax-deductible donation of $18 each month to our Annual Drive, you support the year-round effort it takes to guarantee our ever-growing camper tuition assistance program. Not only will you have peace of mind knowing that you are working to support a worthwhile cause every month, but you will also remain connected to Surprise Lake Camp through regular communications and special updates from Camp Leadership. What could be better?!
Stocks & Securities
Volunteering makes a huge difference at Surprise Lake Camp. When you help, you sustain the best possible experience for campers and staff–and get to spend time at camp yourself. Your gift of time and energy gives you something, too: the chance to immerse yourself directly in the mission and success of this community and lifelong home.
Donate My Day
The Donate My Day Campaign empowers our most dedicated supporters to share their love and support of SLC with their friends, peers, and colleagues. This site allows you to dedicate your special event, day, or milestone to the deserving families and campers of Surprise Lake! Starting a fundraiser is quick, easy, and impactful.