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Fall Hike Day 2024
Join us for a fall-tastic day of hiking with your SLC friends and family!
Fall puts on a spectacular show in the Hudson Valley, setting the region aglow with a vibrant palette of red, yellow, and orange. The spectacular fall foliage is due, in part, to the region’s diverse species of trees.
For Hike Day participants, we will provide a light breakfast, snacks, and a choice of four guided hikes.
The fee for Family Hike Day is $25 for SLC Alumni Association Members and $30 for non-members. ($100/$120 for families of 4 or more). All proceeds will benefit Surprise Lake Camp.
9:00 – 9:45am: Check-in and breakfast
10:00am SHARP: Hikes begin
Hike Choices:
Modified Nimham/Breakneck Ridge: Difficulty Level is challenging. This is for very hardy hikers who have hiked Breakneck (or similar) before. *Please note we expect this hike to take 5+ hours. The path starts on the Mainside ballfield to 1st Outpost to Ranger Barry Trail (red trail markers) to a left onto the Breakneck Ridge Trail (white trail markers). A little before Bald Spot, we make a right turn onto an old Jeep road. Then we make a left onto the Wilkinson Memorial Trail (yellow trail markers). This trail goes between the Breakneck Ridge Trail and Sugarloaf. Next we make a left onto the Nimham Trail (green trail markers). This new trail leads to the first peak of Breakneck by an easy series of steps. Then left onto the Breakneck Ridge Trail. This is the challenging part. We will climb the 2nd and 3rd peaks. Some parts have an easier choice of trails. Then a right onto the Undercliff Trail (yellow trail markers) This will bring us down to a left on the Cornish Trail (blue trail markers) and then up to Teenside and past the Eddie Cantor Theater to the Main Building.
Bald Spot:A popular hike among summer campers, this hike gives you a birds’ eye view of camp. If it’s quiet enough and you are loud enough, you can call down to people in camp and hear them call back! The rocky “bald spot” is also a great place to have lunch, take photos, and enjoy the view. This is an ideal hike for beginners, with mild inclines most of the way up.
Hinterlands: Another popular hike among summer campers, this is a relatively short hike with significant inclines most of the way up. Starting from the Highlands Unit and going up past camp’s high ropes course, this mostly-shaded path continues uphill for about 15-20 minutes. Reaching the “top of the rock” is the perfect time to enjoy picturesque views, take memorable photos, and have lunch.
Cornish Discovery: Learn about and visit our historic Northgate ruins led by local expert, Thom Johnson. Thom will share images of the original Cornish estate and impart his knowledge about its fascinating history and connection to camp. Thom will also show participants recent developments and clean-up efforts, and the new informational placards in the area. Difficulty level ranges from rustic, unleveled roads to mild inclines.
Please Remember
- Children under 16 must be accompanied by an adult.
- A brown-bag lunch and snacks are strongly suggested.
- All participants must bring an ample supply of water and canteens/water bottles.
- Dress in layers. It can be quite chilly in the morning, and will likely warm up throughout the day.
- Bring a camera for great photo opportunities!
For the safety of others, NO dogs will be allowed at camp.
Fall Hike Day 2024
- Surprise Lake Camp
382 Lake Surprise Road
Cold Spring, NY 10516 United States + Google Map