SLC Stories

Howie Berk

Howie Berk

Alumnus, Donor & Board Member

Why should I leave money to Surprise Lake Camp in my will? Really, why shouldn’t I? It’s a no brainer! It doesn’t cost me anything out of my pocket, it’s easy to do, and it ensures that SLC will be around forever. And I don’t have to be rich to do it!

Besides my family, SLC has been the biggest influence in my life. The lifelong friends mean so much to me. As a former camper, staff member, Alumni President, and current member of the Board of Directors and summer volunteer, I can’t imagine life without SLC. Some of my friends don’t understand, but they never got to experience the magic of camp like I have. My two nephews attend SLC. Supporting camp in my will means that they, and their future families, and other families can all continue to experience SLC.