Tuition Assistance

Commitment to Tuition Assistance

We believe that the Surprise Lake Camp experience should be accessible for every child, regardless of their family’s ability to pay. SLC’s commitment to tuition assistance has been core to its mission since the camp’s founding in 1902. According to the Foundation for Jewish Camp, SLC’s capacity to welcome families of all economic means is unparalleled by almost any other Jewish camp in North America. We’re proud of the diverse community this creates – and we’re grateful to the generous donors who share this passion by supporting the tuition assistance program.

How Tuition Assistance Works:

Surprise Lake Camp offers tuition assistance based on a comprehensive assessment of a family’s financial need. This holistic approach aims to accurately understand a family’s ability to afford camp. Scholarship funds are limited, so early applications are strongly encouraged. To determine eligibility, the camp considers various factors, which may include:

  • Current and previous years’ tax returns
  • Non-retirement assets
  • Medical expenses

How to Apply:

  • Complete the camp enrollment application  by logging in to our CampInTouch system.
  • Submit a deposit. If the tuition assistance you ultimately receive does not meet your needs and you choose not to enroll, Surprise Lake Camp will return your deposit in full.
  • Create or log in to your Surprise Lake Camp account on FACTS, our partner in managing the application process. Follow instructions there for completing the application and submitting the necessary supporting documentation.

Timeline & Process:

  • FACTS applications are due at the same time as the SLC enrollment application.
  • Completed FACTS applications — those submitted with all required financial documents — will take at least 2 weeks to verify.
  • If we are able to provide a needs-based discount, you will have 5 business days to confirm enrollment.
Facts Requirements

FACTS makes quality education affordable for families by assisting organizations in awarding financial aid.

After completing the online application, you will need to upload all required supporting documentation. The following supporting documents are required to complete the application process:

IRS Federal Income Tax Return, including all supporting schedules (the year of the tax return depends on the tax requirements of your camp). If applicant and co-applicant file separately, we require both tax returns for the same tax year.

Copies of all the current year W-2 Wage and Tax Statements for both the applicant and co-applicant. NOTE: If you are applying before you have received all the current year W-2 Wage and Tax Statements, please submit them as soon as they become available.

Copies of all supporting tax documents if you have business income/loss from any of the following: Business- send Schedule C or C-EZ and Form 4562 Depreciation and Amortization Farm – send Schedule F and Form 4562 Depreciation and Amortization Rental Property – send Schedule E (page 1) S-Corporation – send Schedule E (page 2), Form 1120S (5 pages), Schedule K-1 and Form 8825 Partnership – send Schedule E (page 2), Form 1065 (5 pages), Schedule K-1 and Form 8825 Estates and Trusts – send Schedule E (page 2), Form 1041 and Schedule K-1

IMPORTANT: If you file a tax return but do not have W-2 wages because you are self-employed, you will be required to submit a copy of your current year Federal Form 1040 Tax Return.

Copies of all supporting documentation for household Non-Taxable Income such as: Social Security Income, Welfare, Child Support, Food Stamps, Workers’ Compensation, and TemporaryAssistance for Needy Families (TANF). If you do not file a tax return, you are required to provide documentation of all income received.

All documentation received is imaged upon receipt and then destroyed. You may log in to your FACTS user account to review the status of your application. Please allow two weeks processing time before inquiring further about receipt and/or status of the uploaded documents.

NOTE: Award decisions are made by SLC, not FACTS.

Copies of these supporting documents are necessary for FACTS to complete your application:

  • Your most recent Federal tax forms including all supporting tax schedules and W-2s.
  • Supporting documentation for Social Security Income, Welfare, Child Support, Food Stamps, Workers’ Compensation, and TANF, if applicable.

You may submit these materials online by uploading them in pdf format within your FACTS account.

Or, if you prefer, you may mail them to FACTS (not to Surprise Lake Camp). Please include your applicant ID on all mailed correspondence. Your applicant ID will be created when you create your FACTS account.

  • Mail to:
    FACTS Grant & Aid Assessment
    P.O. Box 82524
    Lincoln, NE  68501-2524
One Happy Camper Grant

First time campers should  apply for the One Happy Camper grant.  One Happy Camper is an additional resource and has its own eligibility requirements.

Thank you!

We hope that this guide has helped explain how our Tuition Assistance process works. If you have additional questions, please contact our Assistant Director, Abbe Wittenberg, at [email protected] or 845-265-3616.