Donate My Day
The Donate My Day Campaign empowers our most dedicated supporters to share their love and support of SLC with their friends, peers, and colleagues. This site allows you to dedicate your special event, day, or milestone to the deserving families and campers of Surprise Lake! Starting a fundraiser is quick, easy, and impactful. Host a dinner party, organize a workout class, create a dance-a-thon, or design a tribute page for a loved one. You can set a goal, track progress, and encourage and thank your supporters. Share with your friends, family and co-workers. Consider becoming an SLC CHAMPION and start your fundraiser TODAY!
Just CLICK THE BUTTON ABOVE to create your page!
Explore the Possibilities
We are always happy to answer any questions and help you consider your choices. Contact Development Office by email or call us at 845-265-3616.