Arts & Crafts Specialty
During Specialty, which takes place three times each week, campers have the opportunity to choose their activity and with each meeting they further their skills or continue a project.
Arts & Crafts always brings in a big crowd. Arts & Crafts in Camp is different from arts & crafts in school because campers have the freedom to choose what they want to work on. This sense of freedom and independence is good for the campers growth and decision-making skills.
Mainside arts & crafts is focusing on personal choice while building artistic practices. Campers have a choice of different projects to work on during Camp that aim to introduce a few different processes: sand paper drawing, tissue paper paintings, yarn paintings or washi-tape drawings. This allows campers to connect to the visual arts.
Teenside arts & crafts has been a busy place lately! Campers are coming together to create all sorts of things and teach and learn from each other. This week our specialty got to learn about shrinky dinks, what they’re made of, and how they work. We experimented with a few techniques and I’m happy to report that the old school way of sanding them down and coloring with pencils works far better than using sharpies.
We also got to work with some copper enameling and learned how the kiln functions. A couple thousand degrees makes a huge difference! Impression art has resurfaced as another way to make some very professional looking jewelry without breaking a (literal) sweat.
Next week Teenside will resume working with pottery and also beautifying our arts & crafts shack. The inside of the Teenside shack is painted by previous campers dating back to the 90’s. From benches and tables to walls, the art work is a legacy. We will leave a lasting mark by finishing up some awesome benches that we started painting. Mainside arts & crafts will start tie-dying.