1902 Legacy Society
The 1902 Society empowers every camp alum, parent, grandparent, and friend to fulfill Surprise Lake Camp’s time honored tradition of providing the magic of summer camp to every child, regardless of ability to pay. Back in 1902, the camp’s founders established SLC as a life-changing summer home where cost would pose no barrier. Today’s 1902 Legacy Society members carry that legacy forward (please scroll down to see the list).
Become a Member of The 1902 Legacy Society
Simply sign the Letter of Intent, expressing your wish to include Surprise Lake Camp in your estate plans. We hope you will let us know when you have done this, so that we may thank you for your generosity and keep you informed of camp’s ongoing plans and successes.
Formalize Your Intent
After you sign the Letter of Intent, please consult with your professional tax advisor or financial planner to establish your financial plans. For many people, formalizing their gift can be as simple as naming Surprise Lake Camp as a beneficiary of their life insurance policy or retirement account, or adding the following line their will or trust:“I give and bequeath to Surprise Lake Camp the sum of (choose one) $________ or_______% of my estate.”
Lots of ways to give
You may wish to consult with your estate planner to decide which of these to choose:
Bequests by Will or Living Trust: Designate either a specific dollar amount or a percentage of your estate
Life Insurance: Contribute an existing policy or establish a new policy, naming Surprise Lake Camp as owner or beneficiary.
Retirement Account: Name Surprise Lake Camp as a beneficiary of your account.
Donor Advised Fund: A flexible opportunity to suggest a variety of uses for your gifts
Life Income Gift gives you income and a tax deduction. Examples:
- Charitable Gift Annuities
- Charitable Remainder Trusts
- Charitable Lead Trusts
Appreciated Investments: Give real estate, securities, mutual funds, or business interests to minimize taxes and maximize your impact.
What you’ll receive
Members of the 1902 Society are very special to SLC. As member, you can expect:
- A deeper relationship with SLC during your lifetime
- Special recognition in newsletters and other materials
- Invitations to special events
- Periodic updates from Camp Leadership
- The satisfaction of knowing your legacy will make a difference for future SLC campers
Explore the Possibilities
We are always happy to answer any questions and help you consider your choices. Contact Development Office by email or call us at 845-265-3616.

Members of the 1902 Legacy Society
We are extremely grateful to the following individuals who have included Surprise Lake Camp in their estate plans. Your commitment may inspire others, making your impact even greater!
Anonymous (5)
Estelle & Herbert Adler
Paola & Ronnie Adragna/Gilbert
Michele Albo
Jacob Albrecht
Marcia & Bob Altabet
Jennifer & Marc Ambrose
Walter Arnstein*
Margery Arsham
Margie & Bob Atwater
Celia Baczkowski
Sylvaine Baczkowski
Jason Bailis & Jeff Henderson
Marilyn Bailis & Jerry Mark*
Rachel Bailis
Tracie & Mark Basch
Peter D. Baum
Pearl & Harry Belkowitz
Janeen Bellafiore Levine & Brian Levine
Jennifer Herman Benalt & Adam Benalt
Karen* & Adam Bendeson
Lauren & Mark Benmoise
Sara & Adam Benmoise
Molly Benton*
Evie & Jon Berger
Blanche Berk
Howie Berk
Jeff Berk
Jennifer & Matthew Berk
Michael Berk
Andie Biederman
Jake Biederman
Brian Blaufeux
Robbie & Steven Bloom
Martin Blum
Nelson Braff
Amy Bram
Elyse Braun
Jill Breder
Mitchell Brenner
Ezra Cahn
Justin K. Cantor
Meridee Simon Cole
Nancy Chanin Collins
Larry Cooperstein
Anita Cruso
Jane Hershey Cuozzo
Dave Dale*
Jordan Dale
Kate & David Danino
Mia Desmedt
Jon Dickie
Wendy & James Dinn
Michele Mars DiRuggiero
Laurie Dobkin-Helm
Jenna Dorfman-Tandlich
Matt Dorter
Jill Dosik
Mandy Efrati
Louise* & Alvin L. Elkins
Amie Ettinger
Michael Fandal
Lori Heitzner Fishman
Seth Fishman
David Fleischner
Paulette Ann Forgacs
Ralph Forgacs
Beulah Fox*
Gregory Fox
Kenneth L. Freedman
Robert French
Glen Frick
Marissa Garfinkel
Rose & Harris Ghersin
Scott Gilden
Allie (Ball) and Jordan Golan
Amy Goldberg
Dr. Joseph Goldberg
Rabbi Claire Ginsburg Goldstein
Michelle Goldstein
Shira Goldstein
Linda & Ben Gordon
Melissa Gordon
Stephen Gordon
Karen Gorsky & Vicky Eggleton
Jaclyn Greenbaum
Pam & Jay Greenbaum
Suzy Greenberg
Shira & Evan Greenblatt
Rob Greenspan
Aurora Luna Griggs
Harold Grinspoon
Brenda & Matthew Grosshandler
Andrea & Arthur Gruber
Michael Gurman
Michael Gutenplan
Gwen & Larry Hamberg
Julia Handel
Irving Harris*
Dayle Henshel
Joy Henshel
Patti Henshel
Andrew Hess
Barbara* & Stanley* Hirsch
Roberta & Peter Hirsch
Thelma & Sanford Hochberg
Jennifer Hochstadt
Margot Hodes & David Rosenstrauch
Gayle Hoffman
Jason A. Hoffman
Nancy & Alan Hoffman
Carol Robin Horowitz
Rachel Israel
Seymour Israel
Sharon & Jeff Jacobs
Suzanne Jacobs & Jeff Borkan
Zach Jacobs
Amy & Bruce Jaffe
Chuck Jainchill
Susie Jainchill & Tsahi Gelardin
Danielle Johnson
Erez Jontef
Stan Josephson
Michael Kall
Linda Kane
Irwin Karp
Erica Karron
Heidi & Bruce Katz
Karri & Joel “Whammy” Kaufman
Faith Altschuler Kirkpatrick
Sheryl Kirschenbaum
Alan Kleiman
Barbra & Ty Klein
Ele Klein
Wendy Kleinman
Andrew Kominik
Andrew Korn
Marc Krigsman
Robin & Gordon* Krompier
Ellen & Jeff Lambert
Karen & Stewart Lantner
Maureen & Howard Lantner
Moran & Murray Lantner
Dena & Elly Levine
Galit & Alan Levine
Janeen Bellafiore Levine
Mark Levine
Michele Mark Levine
Fred Levy
Randi & Scott Lieberman
Ted Liebowitz
Stacie Lilien
Laura & Carter Mansbach
Dylan Marcus
Jamie Marcus
Judy & Michael* Margulies
Lisa Mark
Linda Markowitz
Marissa Marx
Caryl & Mike Melasky
Paul Mermelstein
Miriam Messinger & Felicia Hayes
Ruth Messinger
Emilie & Andrew Meyer
Estelle Meyer*
Jerry Meyer
Roberta & Jim Meyer
Jodie Meyer & Steven Tuber
Lee Meyer
Jonathan Miller
Susan Feldman-Miller
Barb & Steve Mink
Jill (Simon) & John Miskanic
Jake Montberg
Karen & Jim Morrison
Suzanne & Steven Moses
Elizabeth Moskow & Ari Kaufman
Suzanne Moskowitz
Alyse Kunkin Murabito
Roni & Jason Nadell
Stephen Nitkin
Joey Novick
Paul Novick
Sammi Olinsky
Shelli & Larry Olinsky
Emily Palmiotto
Stacey & Rob Panepinto
Jerry Person
Esther Pessin
Nicole Pilevsky & Joseph Osheroff
Johanna Pinzler & Avri Klemer
Julia Pisetsky
Serge Podolski
Jared Pollet
Sheila* & Ken Pollet
Lee Posniack
Jillian & Brian Rauer
Marc Rentzer
Andrew “AJ” Retig
Shari Riechelson
Michael Rieger
David Rimmer
Max Damon Robkoff
F. Peter Rose*
Robert Rosenbaum
Gail & Dan Rosner
Michele & David Rosner
Eve Rubinstein
Mara Rubinstein
Robin* & Larry Rubinstein
Rebecca Safeer
Judy Freiser Sails & Steven Sails
Alan Saltz
Bryan Salz
Carolyn & Dave* Samuels
Joshua Sarkozi
Robert Schechter
Talia Schneider
Meri & Paul Schoenblum
Dan Schulman
Andrew Schuster
Gayle Schwartz
Maria & Ken* Seligson
Julia & Michael Seltzer
Eliot Senor
Isaac Shapiro
Laurie Feldman-Shepherd
Joanne Sherain
Peter Sheridan
Roy Shirwindt*
Cindy Shmerler
Jenna Sidor
Nancy & Lee Sidor
Harvey Sills*
Rebecca Solomon
Steve Sommer
Susan Namm Spencer
Randi Sperber
Jeff Spiegel
Gary Spielvogel
Seth Stein
Charles Stendig*
Adele & Henry Stern
Brittany Sternberg
Denis Sternberg
Matthew Stollerman
Elaine & Paul Suchow
Joshua Suchow
Jennifer Sussell
Ilana (Lambert) & Michael Sussman
Audrey & Mark Tenenhaus
Bret Tenenhaus
Lisa Tenenhaus
Mike Tenenhaus
Alice & Steve Terner*
Jennifer Anne Toback
Allison Tratner
Susan & Matthew Tratner
Jared Tyler
Marlene & “Ranger” Barry Vegter
Jordan Waldman
Charles D. Wasserman
Wendy & Stu Waxman
Lisa & Steve Weinberg
Diane* & Allen Weiner
David Weintraub
Julie & Neil Weintraub
Tommy Wills
Jennifer & Benjamin Wind
Abbe Wittenberg & Rob Schneider
Cheryl & David Wolff
Anne & Joel Zbar
Barbara & Michael Zbar
Elise & Corey Zbar
Jordana Zbar
Richie Zbar
Steven Zbar
Arthur Zilz
Jaime Zuckerberg
* This person reached beyond his/her own life to enrich the future.
They left the world a little better than they found it. May their memory be a blessing.
SLC Stories

Howie Berk
Alumnus, Donor & Board Member
Why should I leave money to Surprise Lake Camp in my will? Really, why shouldn’t I? It’s a no brainer! It doesn’t cost me anything out of my pocket, it’s easy to do, and it ensures that SLC will be around forever. And I don’t have to be rich to do it!
Besides my family, SLC has been the biggest influence in my life. The lifelong friends mean so much to me. As a former camper, staff member, Alumni President, and current member of the Board of Directors and summer volunteer, I can’t imagine life without SLC. Some of my friends don’t understand, but they never got to experience the magic of camp like I have. My two nephews attend SLC. Supporting camp in my will means that they, and their future families, and other families can all continue to experience SLC.

Elaine + Paul Suchow
Alumni, Donor & Staff
Surprise Lake Camp is a magical place that has touched the life of each Suchow family member. It fills a special place in our hearts, and has created a foundation for meaningful Jewish experiences.
As a statement to our children, we have made Jewish philanthropy part of our legacy. What better way than to make a commitment to SLC, a place that we love? Being part of The 1902 Society makes us feel wonderful, knowing that the camp will be around long after we are gone. Thank you for this treasured opportunity and for the blessing of Surprise Lake Camp.

Jeff Berk
Alumnus & Donor
I view The 1902 Society as extremely reassuring. Around us, we’ve seen camps come and go. SLC’s incredible alumni and programs like The 1902 Society are what ensure that SLC will be around…and that’s what sets us apart.
Joining The 1902 Society gave me peace of mind, knowing that I’m doing my part. While estate planning can be a tough task, especially at a young age, this was an easy decision. The 1902 Society is a unique opportunity for every alumnus—regardless of current financial situation—to become a person who is essential for camp’s continued existence.

Allie Golan
Alumna & Donor
Surprise Lake Camp has been such an important part of my life for the last 15 summers. I have made friends here that I treasure more than anything. I truly believe that camp changed my life for the better. Without it, who knows where I would be?!
In my eyes, The 1902 Society is the best thing I can do to ensure that future campers will have the opportunity to have the same experiences I have been blessed with. Joining The 1902 Society is my promise that I will one day give back to the place that gave so much to me.