Summer 2020 FAQs

We’re always available to answer questions just call us at 845-265-3616.

- Sheryl & Bradley

Summer 2020 FAQs

 1. What are Camp’s refund policies related to coronavirus?
You have the following three options (you may choose any/all of the following):

  • A full or partial refund;
  • Roll all or some of your tuition to next summer. By doing this you will lock in the lowest possible rates (if you received tuition assistance this summer you would not need to apply again);
  • If your family is in the position to donate some or all of your camp tuition, we are thrilled to announce that the Harold Grinspoon Foundation will match every dollar of your contribution. Your donation is deeply needed and appreciated. Every dollar counts, even a small amount makes a big difference.

When you are ready to move forward with next steps, let us know how you want to proceed regarding tuition you have already paid for summer 2020, by clicking here.

 2. When will registration for 2021 be open? 
Registration is open now. If you were registered for summer 2020, please visit this link to let us know your tuition preferences regarding summer 2020, and then you are welcome to begin the registration process for 2021 using this link.

 3. What are the 2021 session dates? 
View dates and rates for summer 2021.

 4. We received tuition assistance for summer 2020. Can that be applied to next year? 
Yes, if you apply before June 30th, and lock in the lowest rate, we will honor your 2020 tuition assistance award as well.

5. I have heard of other camps that are still planning to open this summer. Why did SLC make this decision?
It is important for each camp to make the decision that is right for them based on their location, size, session length and the communities that campers go home to at the end of the season. We at SLC do not think it is safe or prudent to open during this precarious time. For us, the health of our campers and staff is our number one priority.

 6. Will Camp be offering virtual / online programming?
Yes! We will continue to offer programming online and we are working hard to bring more creativity and variety to our virtual options. We will be sending out a weekly email on Sundays with our offerings for that week. Or you can visit our online calendar for our program schedule and recordings of previous events. If you or your camper has any suggestions, please be in touch with us.

 7. Will we be able to come up and visit camp this summer?
Many in our community might be inclined to stop by camp over the next weeks and months. As much as we would love to see you, please don’t. We know how special a quick visit to camp would be, but it’s just not possible at this time.

 8. My camper was registered for Work Program for summer 2020. Will they be able to take part in Work Program for summer 2021?
Yes. Summer 2020 Work Program campers who want to participate in Work Program for summer 2021 will be welcome.

 9. What about campers in their final summer?
We are making arrangements to welcome back any campers who had planned to be in their final summer for summer 2020 in summer 2021. More information will be shared towards the end of the summer.

 10. Will either of the Rookie Days be taking place this summer?
Unfortunately, we will not be able to offer our Rookie Days this summer. We will, however, offer virtual tours and on-site tours, as well as in-home parlor meetings, as soon as it is safe to do so.

 11. Will Get Your Feet Wet take place this summer?
Sadly, we will not be offering Get Your Feet Wet this summer. For more information about programs for summer 2021, click here.

 12. Will Labor Day Family Weekend take place this summer?
We will be making final decisions about Labor Day Family Weekend later in the summer.

 13. Will Camp open for summer 2021?
Since 1902, SLC has been providing amazing summer opportunities for campers and staff.  We will continue that tradition in 2021, and for many, many years to come.